the 14 day decluttering challenge to help you make progress in cleaning out your closet

Stop Drowning in Clothes and Discover the Ease of a Streamlined Closet


Transform your closet day-by-day, dedicating two weeks to turn cluttered chaos into organized harmony.

Embrace 14 days of targeted decluttering challenges to cover your entire wardrobe, focusing on one specific area each day to make big progress without the stress.

You are tired of…

Feeling guilty about the money spent on items you never wear.

Sifting through piles of clothes and still feeling like you have nothing to wear.

Struggling to find something to wear in the chaotic jumble of fashion.

Holding onto clothing items from a past life that don't represent who you are today.

Letting emotional attachments stop you from clearing out space for things you really love.

Dreading the task of choosing an outfit each day.

If any of this sounds familiar

And all you really want is a simplified, organized wardrobe that makes getting dressed a fun and joyful experience

Then this is for you.


Lighten Up:

14 Day Closet Clean Out


Two weeks to clean out your closet, without feeling overwhelm or making a bigger mess in the process.

Experience the joy of releasing clothes that are no longer serving you, and making space to have the wardrobe you really want.


How it works


Step 1

Download your workbook, choose a day to start your challenge, and start preparing by gathering supplies to declutter effectively.


Step 2

Do the pre-work to begin addressing mental roadblocks that have stopped you in the past, before you find yourself frozen over an emotional piece of clothing.


Step 3

Approach the challenges one day at a time, focusing on easier items first, before moving on to more complex pieces of clothing.


Step 4

Take time to pause and reflect at various points in the challenge, making sure that you are feeling positive and empowered in decluttering your closet.

Get instant access to

14 Day of Clothes Decluttering Challenges

Decluttering Tips for Every Part of Your Wardrobe

Reflections and Prompts to Keep Moving Forward

49 page Workbook to Guide Your Journey

An Easy Method for Decluttering that Doesn't Overwhelm

You have two options


Do it alone



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Like many of you, I once found myself drowning in a sea of clothes.

My wardrobe had grown so extensive that it spilled over multiple closets and areas in my home.

Totes filled with clothes from past versions of myself were tucked away, each piece holding memories and ‘what-ifs’ that made letting go seem impossible. 

Surrounded by clutter and waste, I felt stuck, bogged down by complex emotions tied to each garment.

That’s when I decided to take a systematic approach to decluttering, focusing on one item at a time.

This wasn’t about dumping everything on the bed and asking if it sparked joy. It was about examining each portion of my wardrobe, from underwear to shoes to jewelry, and dealing with them one by one.

I know decluttering can be hard and emotional. That’s why I created the 14 Day Closet Clean Out challenge. It’s designed to give you the same structured, step-by-step approach that helped me. This challenge allows you to tackle your closet cleanout without the overwhelm.

Now it’s your turn to learn to let go of things no longer serving your style, without feeling like you’ll never reach your decluttering goals.


Stop Letting Clothes Clutter Rule and Start Enjoying a Simplified Closet


Happiness Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Due to the digital nature of these products, no refunds are granted. We want you to be happy with your transformation, however, so please reach out to to discuss options.






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